The Ultimate Boyfriend Gift Guide

I’ve had a boyfriend for basically the last ten years. I will admit, I have googled “best boyfriend gifts”… more than once. I know how hard it can be to come up with good gifts for your beau. To help solve this dilemma, I’ve created a list of items I have given to my boyfriend over the years that he has actually liked. I hope this helps you find just the perfect something for the upcoming birthday/anniversary/Christmas/other gifting occasion.

  1. A personalized tag necklace (with this chain)
  2. A handy pair of Crocs
  3. The coziest of all sweatshirts
  4. A Bose speaker to blast his favorite tunes (or podcasts)
  5. A handy backpack
  6. A fun new card game- my boyfriend and I like Goat Lords
  7. A calendar loaded with pictures for him to put on his desk
  8. A fresh pair of sneakers
  9. A manly scented candle
  10. A collection of gift cards to his favorite restaurants
  11. A suave new watch (I find the best priced watches at TJ Maxx)

Do you have a good boyfriend gift idea? Share it with me on my Instagram!

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