Weekend Recap: Brought to you by the Jonas Brothers

Happiness Begins Jonas Brothers Origami Owl Locket

Last May, my friend Jamie called me and said “Hey, we’re going to see the Jonas Brothers in September.”

And I say “okay.”

Hannah and Jamie in front of the Longfellow Loft

After some planning and purchasing of plane tickets and an Airbnb, we were ready to be reunited in the Twin Cities.

Jamie and I met in 2016 when we were both on the Disney College Program. One morning, halfway through my program, I woke up to find two strangers standing in my apartment living room. One of those strangers was Jamie and she announced she was moving in. We became fast friends and bonded over a mutual love for Donald Duck, Photopass pictures, the Main Street Electrical Parade, and Splash Mountain.

We stay in contact daily (thank you Snapchat!), but we rarely get to see each other considering Jamie is in Virginia. Hence, this little weekend getaway was particularly exciting.

Hannah and Jamie in front of the Disney Store at the MOA

On Saturday morning, I picked Jamie up from the airport and we headed straight to the Mall of America. We spent the afternoon wandering the mall, doing some light shopping, and just enjoying being together again. Before dinner, we picked up Meg so she could spend the night with us in our Airbnb.

We ate dinner at Mickey’s Diner and closed out our night with a viewing of Song of the South. Because our love from Brer Bear will never die.

We started Sunday with church and donuts. Is there a better way to start the day? From there we went back to the Mall to spend our day riding rides at Nickelodeon Universe. After a full day of coasters (the Fairly Odd Coaster being our favorite) and a belly full of Noodles and Co., we dropped Meg back off at college and returned to our Airbnb to watch the Jonas Brothers documentary.

Monday: JONAS DAY! We started our day with a visit to Como Zoo, where we met a sloth named Chloe and saw some gorilla’s up close. I drove Jamie out to the Mormon Temple, so she could check another one off her list and we stopped by Minnehaha to take in the falls. We ate an early dinner at Matt’s Bar (Jucy Lucy’s all the way!), before getting ready for the concert.

And then it was time for the main attraction:

The show was a perfect mix of Happiness Begins and the old hits, with just a little bit of Nick and Joe’s solo work. It was fun and exciting and a little bit emotional. It was also Nick’s birthday- the entire stadium sang to him and we were blessed with witnessing a kiss between Nick and Priyanka. Ahhhh what a beautiful night.

Origami Owl Happiness Begins Themed Locket. "Dammit I'm feeling so cool."

Our last day together was pretty chill. We ate brunch at the Hi-lo Diner, shopped at a few thrift stores, then headed back to the Mall to see the Friends’ couch at the AT&T store.

Then I watched “the one where Jamie flies back home to Virginia”.

We parted ways and I was left to drive home and wait for the Snap that said “I landed.” And our lives went back to normal, but this time with the extra charm of having been in the same room as the Jonas Brothers.

Dammit, that felt so cool.

Do you have a story you want to share in a locket? Maybe you have a special event you need to commemorate- like a really great concert experience. Message me and we can start designing your story today. Or shop online at hannahmyers.origamiowl.com.

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